12 Months of the Year in Russian
Russian language, culture, history, traditions

12 Months of the Year in Russian

Today we are going to speak about how to say 12 months of the year in Russian. We’ll look at the names of the months in Russian, as well as discuss 12 interesting Russian sayings and proverbs related to each month of the year. Months of the year in Russian: Январь [yan-VAR’] January Февраль [fye-VRAL’] […]


12 Months of the Year in Russian

Russian language, culture, history, traditions

12 Months of the Year in Russian

Today we are going to speak about how to say 12 months of the year in Russian. We’ll look at the names of the months in Russian, as well as discuss 12 interesting Russian sayings and proverbs related to each month of the year.

Months of the year in Russian:

Январь [yan-VAR’] January
Февраль [fye-VRAL’] February
Март [MART] March
Апрель [ap-RYEL’] April
Май [MAY] May
Июнь [ee-YOON’] June
Июль [ee-YOOL’] July
Август [AV-goost] August
Сентябрь [syen-TYABR’] September
Октябрь [ok-TYABR’] October
Ноябрь [no-YABR’] November
Декабрь [dee-KABR’] December

Months of the year in Russian

Russian sayings and proverbs about the months of the year:

In our previous articles, we talked about Russian sayings and proverbs, as well as about the fact that they constitute a significant part of the Russian language, literature, and culture. Russian sayings and proverbs about months usually emphasize some characteristics of each month and explain in what way one month is different from another.

The expressions below is just a small part of the many famous sayings you may encounter while reading Russian literature.

Январь — году начало, зиме середина

  • Январь — году начало, зиме середина.

[Yan-VAR’ GO-doo na-CHA-la zee-MYE sye-rye-DEE-na]
January is the beginning of the year and the middle of the winter.

Февраль силен метелью, а март капелью.

  • Февраль силен метелью, а март капелью.

[Feev-RAL’ syee-LYON me-TYEL’-yoo a MART ka-PYEL’-yoo]
February is strong with blizzards and March with thawing.

Март с водой, апрель с травой, а май с цветами.

  • Март с водой, апрель с травой, а май с цветами.

[MART s vo-DOY ap-RYEL’ s tra-VOY a MAY s tsve-TA-mee]
March comes with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.

В месяце апреле держи одежду ближе к телу

  • В месяце апреле держи одежду ближе к телу.

[V me-SYA-ce ap-RYEL-YE dze-RZHY a-dye-ZHDU blyee-ZHE k TYE-LOO]
Keep your clothes close to your body in the month of April.

Как в мае дождь, так будет и рожь.

  • Как в мае дождь, так будет и рожь.

[Kak v MA-ye DOZHT’ tak ee BOO-det ROZH]
Rye crop depends on the rain in May.

В июне солнце высоко, с утра до вечера далеко.

  • В июне солнце высоко, с утра до вечера далеко.

[V ee-YOO-nye soln-ce vy-sa-KO s oo-TRA do vye-che-RA da-LYE-KO]
In June, the sun is high, from morning to evening far.

В июле на дворе пусто, а в поле густо.

  • В июле на дворе пусто, а в поле густо.

[V Ee-YOO-lye na dvo-RYE poo-STO a v po-LYE goos-TA]
In July, the yard is empty, and the field is dense.

Август-батюшка заботой-работой мужика тешит.

  • Август-батюшка заботой-работой мужика тешит.

[AV-goost BA-tyoosh-ka za-BO-tay ra-BO-tay moo-zhee-KA TYE-sheet]
Father-August keeps a man busy with jobs and things to take care of.

В сентябре лето кончается, осень начинается.

  • В сентябре лето кончается, осень начинается.

[V seen-tyab-REE LYE-ta kan-CHA-eet-sya O-syen’ na-chee-NA-yet-sya]
In September summer is over and autumn begins.

В октябре ни на колесах, ни на санях.

  • В октябре ни на колесах, ни на санях.

[V ak-tyab-RYE nee na ka-LYO-sah nee na sa-NYAH]
In October you can neither move on wheels, nor sledges.

В ноябре зима с осенью борется.

  • В ноябре зима с осенью борется.

[V na-yab-RYE zee-MA s O-seen’yoo BO-ryet-sya]
In November winter is fighting with autumn.

Декабрь снежный и холодный — будет и год плодородный.

  • Декабрь снежный и холодный — будет и год плодородный.

[Dee-KABR’ SNYEZH-niy ee ha-LOD-niy – BOO-deet ee GOT pla-da-ROD-niy]
If December is cold and snowy, the year will be rich with crops.

We hope you will like the article. If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to leave your comments below. Your comments are always welcome.

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