Russian language, culture, history, traditions

News and interesting facts, Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Most Common Russian Surnames

People receive their surnames when they are born, they use their surnames in all important documents, in addition, surnames are really significant for any person.  However, people hardly ever think of the origins of their surnames. Therefore, our today’s article will tell you about the origins of the most common Russian surnames.

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News and interesting facts, Russian language, culture, history, traditions

10 Russian Habits, Part II

In this article, we will continue telling you about other Russian habits which surprise foreigners who arrive in Russia for the first time. In the second part of the article we are going to discuss 10 weird Russian habits which cause foreigners’ misunderstanding.  

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News and interesting facts, Russian language, culture, history, traditions
Russian vodka

Russian vodka

Russian vodka is the most famous and widespread strong alcoholic drink, whose history dates back to the 15th century. However, there is still no definite answer who was the first to prepare this strong, alcoholic and national Russian drink.

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News and interesting facts, Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Russian National Cuisine

Russia is a multiethnic country, therefore, here you can taste different and exotic dishes of various ethnic groups living in Russia. However, you can find traditional Russian cuisine wherever you go and in any corner of the country.  Here are 10 dishes of Russian national cuisine.

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News and interesting facts, Russian language, culture, history, traditions

System of Education in Russia

Education in Russia is a set of study programs which are compiled in accordance with the regulations on the state standard of education.  However, the system of education in Russia has its special features which we are going to look closer at in this article.  

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Russian language, culture, history, traditions
Unusual Soviet Names

Unusual Soviet names

In this article, we would like to tell you about the unusual names that were popular during the Soviet Union time. A list of names which boys and girls used to be given became significantly larger after the 1917 Revolution and until the collapse of the Soviet Union. 

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News and interesting facts, Russian language, culture, history, traditions
Юрий Гагарин - первый в мире космонавт

Yury Gagarin – the First Cosmonaut in the World

In this article, we would like to tell you about a great person who was the first man to fly into space. 50 years ago, on March 27th, Yury Gagarin, the first cosmonaut in the world, died.

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Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost)

Ded Moroz (Father Frost, or Grandfather Frost) is the key character of the New Year in Russia. He wears a long red fur coat embroidered with traditional ornaments, a red hat embroidered with pearls, white mittens and valenki.  

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Russian language, culture, history, traditions
10 Unusual Russian Words

10 Unusual Russian Words

You have already learned Russian very well, or maybe you are a Russian beginner.  You probably know that every language has its list of words which are impossible to translate into another language, or they have a meaning completely different from what they mean in our mother tongue.

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News and interesting facts, Russian language, culture, history, traditions


Cheburashka is a famous character of a Soviet carton “Cheburashka and Gena the Crocodile”.  Eduard Uspensky, Russian writer, made up Cheburashka in 1966. Later, thanks to the cartoon based on the book, this character became extremely famous in Russia and around the world.

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Russian language, culture, history, traditions

How to say hello in Russian

The most important thing you need to know in Russian is how to say Hello in Russian, because any greeting immediately makes you sound polite and provides a good first impression of you. There are a lot of greeting words in Russian that are used in different ways depending on the time of the day […]

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Russian language, culture, history, traditions
How to say

How to say “well” in Russian

Nowadays, there are a few ways and options for using the word “well” in Russian. This word may be applied to various situations, therefore in this article we are going to tell you how to say “well” in Russian.

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