Kitchen Appliances in Russian
Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Kitchen Appliances in Russian

In this article, we are going to look at how to say the names of main kitchen appliances in Russian. This article will help those of you who are going to buy kitchen appliances in a store or online. In out next article we are going to talk about dishes and kitchen utencils in more […]


Kitchen Appliances in Russian

Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Kitchen Appliances in Russian

In this article, we are going to look at how to say the names of main kitchen appliances in Russian. This article will help those of you who are going to buy kitchen appliances in a store or online. In out next article we are going to talk about dishes and kitchen utencils in more detail.

Let’s begin with the simplest words:

Кухня [KOOH-nya] kitchen
Кухонный [KOO-ha-niy] kitchen (adj.)
Утварь [OOT-var’] utencil

The following phrase will be really useful for people who love cooking:

Готовить кушать / ужин [ga-TO-veet KOO-shat’ / OO-zheen] cook, cook / make dinner
Готовить [ga-TO-veet’] cook
Кушать [KO-shat’] eat

Now, have a look at your kitchen. Do you have any of this stuff there?

Kitchen Appliances in Russian

Кухонный шкаф [KOO-ha-niy SHKAF] kitchen cabinet
Кухня [KOOH-nya] kitchen (cabinets)
Кухонная техника [KOO-ha-na-ya TYEH-nee-ka] kitchen appliances
Холодильник [ha-la-DEEL’-neek] refrigerator
Морозильник [ma-ra-ZEEL’-neek] freezer
Морозилка [ma-ra-ZEEL-ka] freezer
Печка [PYECH-ka] stove
Плита [plee-TA] stove, cooker
Газовая плита [GA-za-va-ya plee-TA] gas cooker
Электрическая плита [e-lyek-TREE-chees-ka-ya plee-TA] electric cooker
Электрический чайник [e-leek-TREE-chyes-keey CHAY-neek] electric kettle
Посудомоечная машина [pa-soo-da-MO-yeech-na-ya ma-SHEE-na] dish washer
Посудомойка [pa-soo-da-MOY-ka] dish washer
Гриль [GREEL’] grill
Духовая печь [doo-ha-VA-ya PYECH’] oven

A more common name for the oven is:

Духовка [doo-HOF-ka] oven

Kitchen Appliances in Russian

A more formal name for a microwave oven in Russian is:

Микроволновая печка [meek-ra-val-NO-va-ya PYECH-ka] microwave oven

But more often it’s called:

Микроволновка [meek-ra-val-NOF-ka] microwave (oven)

It’d be good for people who love cooking to know these words:

Миксер [MEEK-syer] mixer
Блендер [BLEN-der] blender
Мясорубка [mya-sa-ROOP-ka] meat grinder
Соковыжималка [sa-ka-vi-zhee-MAL-ka] juicer
Хлебопечка [hlye-ba-PYECH-ka] bread maker
Жаровня [zha-ROV-nya] roaster
Фритюрница [free-TYOOR-nee-tsa] fryer
Кухонный комбайн [KOO-ha-niy kam-BAYN] food processor
Тостер [TOS-tyer] toaster

A few names of kitchen appliances that are used to make desserts:

Йогуртница [YO-goort-nee-tsa] yogurt maker
Мороженица [ma-RO-zhye-nee-tsa] ice-cream maker
Пароварка [pa-ra-VAR-ka] steamer, double boiler
Блинница [BLEE-nee-tsa] pancake maker
Сушилка для овощей и фруктов [soo-SHEEL-ka dlya a-va-SHCHEY ee FROOK-taf] food dehydrator, dehydrator for vegetables and fruits

Kitchen Appliances in Russian

Here are some more simple words:

Раковина [RA-ka-vee-na] sink
Кран [KRAN] tap
Стол [STOL] table
Стул [STOOL] chair
Скатерть [SKA-tyert’] table cloth
Кухонное полотенце [KOO-ha-na-ye pa-la-TYEN-tse] kitchen towel

We hope you’ve liked this short kitchen “tour”.  Now, it’s time to practise these words!

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