Kitchenware in Russian
Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Kitchenware in Russian

In our last article, we talked about the names of kitchen appliances. So, today we are going to tell you about kitchenware in Russian. All you need to do is to print out the list of words given in the article, go to your kitchen, make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, and learn […]


Kitchenware in Russian

Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Kitchenware in Russian

In our last article, we talked about the names of kitchen appliances. So, today we are going to tell you about kitchenware in Russian. All you need to do is to print out the list of words given in the article, go to your kitchen, make yourself a cup of tea or coffee, and learn these new Russian words right there in the kitchen. If your cup of tea is ready, let’s start!

Let’s start with a basic word:

Посуда [pa-SOO-da] dishes, tableware

Now, the tools you need to cook your meal:

Kitchenware in Russian

Кастрюля [kas-TRYOO-lya] pan
Кастрюлька (маленькая) [kas-TRYOOL’-ka] a diminutive for pan, a little pan
Сковорода [ska-va-ra-DA] frying pan
Сковородка [ska-va-ROT-ka] a diminutive for frying pan
Половник [pa-LOV-neek] soup ladle
Шпатель [SHPA-tyel’] spatula
Щипцы [shcheep-TSI] tongs
Скалка [SKAL-ka] rolling-pin
Разделочная доска [raz-DYE-lach-na-ya das-KA] cutting board
Тёрка [TYOR-ka] grater
Дуршлаг [doorsh-LAK] colander
Сито [SEE-ta] sieve, strainer
Венчик [VYEN-cheek] whisker
Измерительная чашка [eez-me-REE-tyel’-na-ya CHASH-ka] measuring cup
Противень [PRO-tee-vyen’] baking pan
Прихватка [pree-HVAT-ka] oven mitt
Поднос [pad-NOS] tray
Миска [MEES-ka] bowl
Тарелка [ta-RYEL-ka] plate, dish
Вилка [VEEL-ka] fork
Нож [NOSH] knife
Ложка [LOSH-ka] spoon

A few words for people who loves drinking tea:

Kitchenware in Russian

Чайник [CHAY-neek] tea pot
Сахарница [SA-har-nee-tsa] sugar bowl
Блюдце [BLYOO-tse] saucer
Чашка [CHASH-ka] cup
Кружка [KROOSH-ka] mug
Стакан [sta-KAN] glass

And some more simple words:

Кувшин [KOOF-sheen] jug
Ковш [KOFSH] ladle
Консервный нож [kan-SYERV-niy NOSH] can opener
Штопор [SHTO-par] corkscrew
Лоток для льда [la-TOK dlya L’DA] ice cube trays
Салфетка [sal-FYET-ka] napkin
Термос [TER-mas] thermos

If you’d like to know more Russian words related to the kitchen, you can read our article “Kitchen Appliances in Russian”. You can also follow the updates of our blog not to miss new and informative articles!

Kitchenware in Russian

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