Russian Words for Transport
Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Russian Words for Transport

Every day we use various types of transport. In addition, we often travel. If you travel in Russia, it’s really useful to know basic words for different types and means of transport. Today, we’re going to speak about types of transport and some other words related to it in Russian. Main types of transport Land […]


Russian Words for Transport

Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Russian Words for Transport

Every day we use various types of transport. In addition, we often travel. If you travel in Russia, it’s really useful to know basic words for different types and means of transport. Today, we’re going to speak about types of transport and some other words related to it in Russian.

Main types of transport

Land transport:

Автобус [av-to-BUS] bus
Такси [tak-SI] taxi
Поезд [po-YEZD] train
Автомобиль [av-to-mo-BIL’] car
Мотоцикл [MOTO-cikl] motorcycle
Метро [me-TRO] subway
Снегоход [sne-ga-HOD] snowmobile
Троллейбус [tro-LEY-bus] trolleybus
Трамвай [tram-VAY] tram
Грузовик [gruzo-VIK] lorry
Велосипед [velo-si-PED] bicycle
Фургон [fur-GON] wagon

Water transport:

Корабль [ko-rabl’] ship
Пароход [para-HOD] steamboat
Паром [pa-ROM] ferry
Лодка [lod-KA] boat
Теплоход [tyeplo-HOD] motor ship
Яхта [ya-HTA] yacht
Судно [su-DNO] vessel

Russian Words for Transport

Air transport:

Самолёт [sa-mo-LYOT] plane/airplane
Вертолёт [ver-ta-LYOT] helicopter
Воздушный шар [vaz-dush-NEEY shar] air balloon

Airport words:

Отлёт [ot-LYOT] departure
Выход [ve-HAD] exit
Прибытие [prye-BI-ti-YE] arrival
Посадка [po-SAD-ka] boarding
Ручная кладь [ruch-na-YA kla-D’] hand luggage
Билет [be-LYET] ticket
Паспорт [pas-PORT] passport
Бронь [bro-N’] reservation
Рейс [reis] flight
Таможенный контроль [tamo-zhen-NIY kon-tro-L’] customs control

Russian Words for Transport

Words you can use at the railway station:

Тележка для багажа [tye-lezh-KA dlya ba-ga-ZHA] trolley
Купе [ku-PE] compartment
Место [mye-STO] seat
Вагон [va-GON] carriage
Железнодорожная станция [zhe-LYE-zno-dorozh-na-YA stan-ci-YA] railway station

Words for travelling by sea:

Круиз [kru-IZ] cruise
Автомобильный отсек [avto-mo-BEEL’-niy ot-SEK] car deck
Морской рейс [mors-KOI reys] crossing
Каюта [ka-YO-ta] cabin

We hope you’ll find the article helpful. Write in the comments what type of transport you prefer and why.

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Etude on Dvinsk by F.Fedorov

The Baltic region is one of the most catastrophe prone regions of the 2nd millennium, especially its second part; it is the centre of attraction of ‘geopolitical’ interests of the European world. Probably the most tragic fate has befallen to the eastern part of the present Latvia and its multi-titled town of Dinaburg – Dvinsk – Daugavpils. During its 730 years long history, the town went through five rather autonomous periods of development, five different lives (German, Polish, Russian, Latvian, Soviet), and at the beginning of the 1990s it entered into the 6th period.

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