Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Visiting a Doctor: Basic Words and Phrases in Russian

Visiting a doctor is one of the most important conversation topics in Russian. When you are in a Russian-speaking environment and you suddenly experience any health issues, you will need to be able to correctly explain your symptoms, so that the doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment which will solve the problem. You will find the […]


Visiting a Doctor: Basic Words and Phrases in Russian

Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Visiting a Doctor: Basic Words and Phrases in Russian

Visiting a doctor is one of the most important conversation topics in Russian. When you are in a Russian-speaking environment and you suddenly experience any health issues, you will need to be able to correctly explain your symptoms, so that the doctor can prescribe appropriate treatment which will solve the problem. You will find the following basic words and phrases useful.

Basic words:

Visiting a Doctor: Basic Words and Phrases in Russian

  • Здоровье [zdo-ro-vye] health
  • Боль [bol’j] pain
  • Болезнь [bo-lezn’j] disease, illness, sickness
  • Больной [bol’-noj] patient
  • Заболеть [za-bo-let’] to become sick
  • Лекарство [lye-kars-tvo] medicine
  • Симптом [syim-ptom] symptom
  • Приступ [pryi-stup] attack
  • Жар [zhar] fever
  • Тошнота [tosh-no-ta] nausea
  • Насморк [nas-mork] rhinitis
  • Чихание [chi-ha-ni-je] sneezing
  • Кашель [kas-hel’] cough
  • Воспаление [vo-spa-lye-ni-ye] inflammation
  • Отравление [o-tra-vlye-ni-ye] poisoning
  • Головокружение [go-lo-vo-kru-zhe-niye] dizziness
  • Температура [tyem-pe-ra-tu-ra] temperature
  • Озноб [oz-nob] shivering

Words denoting parts of a human body:

Visiting a Doctor: Basic Words and Phrases in Russian

  • Тело [tye-lo] body
  • Орган [or-gan] organ
  • Голова [go-lo-va] head
  • Глаза [gla-za] eyes
  • Нос [nos] nose
  • Горло [gor-lo] throat
  • Грудь [gru-dj] chest
  • Желудок [zhe-lu-dok] stomach
  • Живот [zhi-vot] belly
  • Спина [spyi-na] back
  • Рука [ru-ka] arm
  • Плечо [plye-cho] shoulder
  • Нога [no-ga] leg

Basic phrases:

Visiting a Doctor: Basic Words and Phrases in Russian

  • Заложен нос

[za-lo-zhen nos] blocked nose

  • Боль в горле

[bol’ v gor-lye] sore throat

  • Боль в животе

[bol’ v zhi-vo-tye] stomach ache

  • Головная боль

[go-lov-na-ya bol’] headache

  • Боль, отдающая в…

[bol’, ot-da-yu-scha-ya v…] pain radiating to.

  • Испытывать боль

[is-pyi-tyi-vat’ bol’] to have/experience pain

  • Жаловаться на

[zha-lo-vat-sya na] to complain about

  • Я плохо себя чувствую

[Ya plo-kho sye-bya chuv-stvu-yu] I don’t feel well.

  • Меня тошнит

[Me-nya tosh-nyit] I feel nauseous.

  • У меня насморк и болит горло

[U me-nya nas-mork i bol-yit gor-lo] I have a runny nose and a sore throat.

  • У меня температура и головная боль

[U me-nya tem-pye-ra-tu-ra i go-lov-na-ya bol’] I’ve got a fever and a headache.

  • У меня сильная боль внизу живота

[U me-nya sil’-na-ya bol’ vnyi-zu zhi-vo-ta] I have a bad pain in the lower part of my stomach

Visiting a Doctor: Basic Words and Phrases in Russian

  • Я хотел бы что-нибудь от кашля

[Ya ho-tyel byi chto-nibud’ ot kash-lya] I’d like something for a cough.

  • Мне нужно лекарство от простуды

[Mnye nuzh-no le-kar-stvo ot pros-tud-yi] I need a cold medicine.

  • Как принимать это лекарство? [Kak pri-nyi-mat’ eto le-kar-stvo?] How do I take this medicine?

These were the majority of basic words and phrases. We hope you will rarely use them, and we wish you to stay healthy during the winter season.

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Etude on Dvinsk by F.Fedorov

The Baltic region is one of the most catastrophe prone regions of the 2nd millennium, especially its second part; it is the centre of attraction of ‘geopolitical’ interests of the European world. Probably the most tragic fate has befallen to the eastern part of the present Latvia and its multi-titled town of Dinaburg – Dvinsk – Daugavpils. During its 730 years long history, the town went through five rather autonomous periods of development, five different lives (German, Polish, Russian, Latvian, Soviet), and at the beginning of the 1990s it entered into the 6th period.

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