Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Morning: Russian Words and Phrases

Morning is a favorite part of the day for a lot of people. It’s time when you can have a cup of tea or coffee and think about your plans for the day. In this article, we’re going to tell you about some Russian word and phrases related to the morning. Let’s begin with a […]


Morning: Russian Words and Phrases

Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Morning: Russian Words and Phrases

Morning is a favorite part of the day for a lot of people. It’s time when you can have a cup of tea or coffee and think about your plans for the day. In this article, we’re going to tell you about some Russian word and phrases related to the morning.

Let’s begin with a few basic Russian words:

Утро [OOT-ra] morning
Рассвет [RAS-vyet] sunrise
Доброе утро! [DOB-ra-ye OOT-ra] good morning!
С добрым утром! [s DOB-rim OOT-ram] good morning!

Some more Russian words:

Просыпаться [pra-si-PA-tsa] wake up
Подниматься [pad-nee-MA-tsa] get up
Вставать [fsta-VAT’] get up
Будить [boo-DEET’] wake someone up
Будильник [boo-DEEL’-neek] alarm clock
Делать зарядку / упражнения [DYE-lat’ za-RYAT-koo / oop-razh-NYE-nee-ya] exercise

Morning: Russian Words and Phrases

Чистить зубы [CHEES-teet’ ZOO-bi] brush your teeth
Умываться [oo-mi-VA-tsa] wash your face
Принимать душ [pree-nee-MAT’ DOOSH] take a shower

Делать / готовить завтрак [DYE-lat’ ga-TO-veet’ ZAF-trak] make / cook breakfast
Завтракать [ZAF-tra-kat’] have a breakfast
Завтрак [ZAF-trak] breakfast

Одеваться [a-dee-VA-tsa] get dressed
Собираться на работу [sa-bee-RA-tsa] get ready

That’s all for today. Have a nice morning and a fabulous day!

Morning: Russian Words and Phrases

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Research publications


Etude on Dvinsk by F.Fedorov

The Baltic region is one of the most catastrophe prone regions of the 2nd millennium, especially its second part; it is the centre of attraction of ‘geopolitical’ interests of the European world. Probably the most tragic fate has befallen to the eastern part of the present Latvia and its multi-titled town of Dinaburg – Dvinsk – Daugavpils. During its 730 years long history, the town went through five rather autonomous periods of development, five different lives (German, Polish, Russian, Latvian, Soviet), and at the beginning of the 1990s it entered into the 6th period.

The history of Dinaburg – Dvinsk – Daugavpils is the history of five attempts by the town to begin its life anew; and this is determined not only by the fact that the town was four times burned down and had to start life from scratch, but first and foremost because each of these periods was characterized by a total change of ethnos and the socio-cultural field.

The present article deals with the cultural space of the town in one of the most efficient periods of its development – from the 1860s till World War I.

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